072 Meditation and Mindfulness Weekends With Bruce Langford and Chris Curran
Meditation calms your mind and helps you reach a more grounded state. It allows you to get to an inner calm and a sense of balance. This weekend I'm chatting about meditation and mindfulness and I've invited my friend, Chris Curran to join me. Guest: Chris Curran Featured in Mindfulness Mode Episode 70 Clearing Habits and Actions Using Spiritualism Quotes: Meditation is like giving a hug to ourselves, getting in touch with that awesome reality in us. While meditating we feel a deep sense of intimacy with God, a love that is inexplicable. - Paramahamsa Yogananda Meditation is offering your genuine presence to yourself in every moment. - Thich Nhat Hanh Meditation can re-introduce you to the part that’s been missing. - Russell Simmons Meditate. Let the light of the heart engulf you. - Gurumayi Chidvilasananda The thing about meditation is: you become more and more you. - David Lynch Restore your attention or bring it to a new level by dramatically slowing down whatever you’re doing. - Sharon Salzberg[show-notes-bio] Books: Byways of Blessedness by James Allen Thank You Bonus: As a thank you for listening, download your Calm Your Busy Mind Infographic. It focuses on breathing, exercise and mantras. Please leave your name and email you'll receive your infographic in your inbox right away. Download It here.