070 Clearing Habits and Actions Using Spiritualism with Chris Curran
Chris Curran is an audio recording engineer, author and world traveler. He has an intense interest in spirituality, meditation and mindfulness and has visited India 10 times to spend time on retreats and live in ashrams. Chris brings people together throughhis organization, Pause Your Life, arranging retreats and meet ups for people who are looking for renewed energy and purpose. Chris is also host of The Mystic Show, where he talks with his guests about spiritualism and meditation. Contact Info Company: Pause Your Life Website: Pauseyourlife.org Podcast: themysticshow.net Most Influential Person Spiritual Guide Partha Sartee Effect on Emotions This is one of the most tangible benefits I think. It really puts everything in perspective and it really does help because those emotional outbursts are really bad. It takes us off the rails and it is sometimes really hard to get back on. Thoughts on Breathing I don't focus on breathing at all now that I live here in Colorado Springs. Sometimes if I run up the stairs all of a sudden I have to take some deep breaths because the air is thinner. Breathing isn't part of my practice at all. The sahashmarg practice is actually a form of Raija yoga, which Raija yoga is one of the four main branches of yoga from India from long ago. Raija yoga is yoga of the mind so there is no breathing, no postures and no stretching. Suggested Resources Book: Byways of Blessedness by James Allen App: Insight Timer Advice for Newbie Start meditating in earnest. That means to learn meditation and try to really become good at it. The biggest misconception about meditation is that you are supposed to sit down and be thoughtless and so many people who come to me to learn because I teach it and say, oh I tried it and I can't do it. You're doing it. The thing is, in the beginning you're gonna have a lot of thoughts. You just have to learn how to handle them, which is to ignore them and get in the habit of ignoring them. Then as these thoughts come out, your thoughts will become less. Learning a real form of meditation; that's the base of everything I think. Without meditation, I don't know how much you can implement mindfulness or spirituality truly. Thank You Bonus As a thank you for listening, download your free copy of my book, Cracking The Success Code. I teamed up with Brian Tracy, along with some other entrepreneurs to create the best-selling book called Cracking The Success Code: The World's Leading Experts Reveal Their Top Secrets To Help You Crack The Code For Optimum Health, Wealth and Success. You'll hear more about my story and how I became an anti-bullying advocate which later led to mindfulness and my mindfulness coaching. Download the book free at MindfulnessMode.com/cracking. Enter your name and email and you'll have your book downloaded in no time. Enjoy the book, Mindful Tribe.