068 Connecting Diligence and Mindfulness with World Class Wrestler Riley Otto
Riley Otto is a light heavyweight wrestler, in the 84 kg category, who participated in the Pan American Championships in Panama, representing Canada and winning a bronze medal. Riley uses hissport to achieve flow state and has a keen interest in mindfulness. Although retired from wrestling, now Riley uses the same focus and determination in other areas of his life, including his job at an investment firm. Contact Info Email: Riley@autus.ca Most Influential Person One certain teacher at his school who was also his Wrestling Coach. Effect on Emotions Being in such a physical sport as I was, you often have emotions arise as a result of that combat. I think I had to control that a lot with mindfulness and I think that just spread out into every area of my life. Thoughts on Breathing Breathing was a huge part of my mindfulness practice in competition. Suggested Resources Book: Muhammad Ali: His Life and Times by Thomas Hauser App: Sleep Cycle, my net diary Advice for Newbie My way was to develop a way to implement mindfulness into something that I really loved and it naturally moved into everything else. Being aware of your surroundings and how your actions affect yourself and other people can really improve the quality of everything you care about. Thank You Bonus: As a thank you for listening, download your Fine Tune Your Focus, 5 Day Challenge. Be like my guests, get some meditation happening in your life. I've created 5 free simple, yet inspiring videos to help you get started with meditation. Please leave your name and email you'll receive it in your inbox right away. Download It here.