067 Use Play To Get Grounded In Mindfulness With Maribel Jimenez
Maribel Jimenez is an International Speaker, best-selling author and marketing mentor to women. She works with Entrepreneurs, Coaches, and Consultants teaching how to launch 6 a 7 figure campaigns. She’s writtennumerous training programs and received well-deserved awards for her work. Maribel believes in helping to integrate peace, play, and prosperity into the entrepreneur lifestyle. Contact Info Website: www.YourDreamLaunch.com Podcast: New Superwoman Entrepreneur Podcast Most Influential Person Dr. Joe Vitale Effect on Emotions Mindfulness has supported my very g rounded, relaxed, experience so that I can actually enjoy what I am creating. Thoughts on Breathing It would shift [my breathing] if I was feeling anxious or stressed. I'm sure my breathing would change so I think even connecting to it and I mean that is part of this meditative state of really just connecting to your breath and relaxing. Suggested Resources Book: The Game Of Life and How To Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn App: Calm Advice for Newbie My advice would be to play with the idea. A lot of times people are really busy and they believe that they don't have time to stop and pause, and meditate. This is what actually helps you get greater results, in fact multiple results. To play, the more you slow down, it actually supports you speeding up. That's what actually had me play with the idea of what it would be like to pause and just think things through. I am in that place now where I see; oh my gosh this is just a different way of being. It allows you to really attract like a magnet because you are so connected to what it is that you want and what it is that you are here to do, so you magnetize it. Just Introduce it to somebody as play with it, see how your life changes with you being much more grounded and mindful of what you're here to do and how to really connect to your purpose. Thank You Bonus: As a thank you for listening, download your free copy of my book, Cracking The Success Code. I teamed up with Brian Tracy, along with some other entrepreneurs to create the best-selling book called Cracking The Success Code: The World's Leading Experts Reveal Their Top Secrets To Help You Crack The Code For Optimum Health, Wealth and Success. You'll hear more about my story and how I became an anti-bullying advocate which later led to mindfulness and my mindfulness coaching. Download the book free at MindfulnessMode.com/cracking. Enter your name and email and you'll have your book downloaded in no time. Enjoy the book, Mindful Tribe.