052 Enhance the Effect You Have On Others With Mindfulness says Brandon Beachum
Brandon Beachum is a serial entrepreneur. He started his most recent business, called Resort Share, five years ago with zero capital, while living on his friend’s couch . Last year it was featured as one of America’sfastest growing companies. Brandon strongly believes in meditation and makes it a regular part of his life. One of his philosophies is visualizing his goals and taking steps forward as if those goals have already been met. Brandon has a podcast called Positive Head. Contact Info Website: positivehead.com Podcast: The Positive Head Podcast Most Influential Person Osho Effect on Emotions Mindfulness has affected my emotions in a tremendous way. I'm someone who has a great energy to achieve and do things and make things happen and connect with people but I also can tend to get frazzled or excited in a negative way. Mindfulness is the path to healing that for me. Thoughts on Breathing Remembering that everything is a reflection and so if your breathing is shallow that is a reflection of how much bandwidth you have for what you can deal with in your life. You can't be upset when you're breathing deeply. Take deep full breaths and you move into a state of calm so you can deal with anything. Suggested Resources Book: Oneness by Rasha App: Podcast App Advice for Newbie Take time to meditate. Everyone should meditate 15 minutes a day unless you don't have time. Then you should meditate an hour a day (Zen proverb). The greatest advice I can give to someone is, a lot of times its easier to use thoughts because we have trouble turning the brain off and that's the toughest thing about meditation for people. Instead of resisting that at first when you're just starting down the path, instead close your eyes and do visualization practices.