032 Gretchen Bridgers: Get Recentered, Become Mindful and Get Back on Track

Gretchen Bridgers is a teacher coach. For the past four years she has been helping new teachers in her school district as part of the New Teacher Project. She has a master’s degree in Curriculum and Supervision and is also anauthor, having written the book:  “Elementary Education 101: What They Didn’t Teach You In College. Gretchen has a blog and weekly podcast called “Always A Lesson”, which inspires educators across the globe. Contact Info Website: www.AlwaysALesson.com Podcast: Always A Lesson Most Influential Person Louis Sachar (Author of There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom) Effect on Emotions Just not taking things personally. Realizing that people have, what my father calls 'head trash', or previous tapes. They are taking things out on you that have nothing to do with you at all. Thoughts on Breathing Not so much breathing, but listen, pause and respond. So that pause could be a breath but its that reflection, that gathering of thoughts to remain neutral. Suggested Resources Book: Crucial Conversations: Tools For Talking When the Stakes are High by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler, Laura Roppe App: Facebook Groups - Specifically 'Encouraging Teachers' Advice for Newbie Reflect daily on how you could have handled anything that occurred differently or just take some actionable steps so you are growing and getting better each day. Hold yourself accountable for just growing and not being perfect.

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