029 Kate Erickson: Different as a Kid, Journey to Systems and Processes Expert at EOFire Explained
Kate Erickson is an expert at Systems and Processes and she helps entrepreneurs and business professionals get their act together with their own systems. Kate is on the Entrepreneur on Fire team andis John Lee Dumas's partner in business and life. She is also host of the Audio Blog Podcast called, Kate’s Take. In addition, Kate is also author of the book, The Fire Path: A Beginner's Guide to Growing Your Online Business. Contact Info Website: www.eofire.com Podcast: Kate's Take Email: kate@eofire.com Most Influential Person John Lee Dumas has really encouraged me and challenged me to be mindful. Effect on Emotions It's really gotten me more in tune with myself. I know myself better now than I ever could have imagined. Thoughts on Breathing I've been doing some studying and research on practicing breathing and it really helps me take my focus off anything else. Suggested Resources Book:Essentialism by Craig Mceown App: The Twelve Minute Athlete App Advice for Newbie A really powerful book that triggered for me this idea of living in the now, is the book The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.