012 Luis Congdon: Mother Murdered, Homeless Street Child Becomes Renowned Love Coach

Luis Congdon is passionate about helping others , whether in relationships or with on-line businesses. Saying he had a challenging youth is an understatement. His mother was a cocaine addictand was murdered when Luis was five. Homeless for three years, Luis was finally adopted by an American family who unfortunately divorced a short time later, leaving Luis frustrated and confused. All this hardship gave Luis a deep desire to understand love, healthy relationships and the concept of mindfulness. Contact Info Email: LuisCongdon@gmail.com (mention you heard Luis on Bruce's Mindfulness Mode Podcast and you will receive a personal response.) Podcast: Lasting Love Connection and Thriving Launch Website: www.LastingLoveConnections.com www.PodcastersSecretWeapon.com www.ThrivingLaunch.com Most Influential Person My (adoptive) mother. Effect on Emotions Slowing down and creating some space between my sensations and my reactions or my impulses. Thoughts on Breathing Breathing is responsible for seventy per cent of the toxic release in our bodies. It outperforms toxic dump of emotions and actual toxins in our body. It outperforms any other practice or way that our body releases toxins. Taking time to deepen your breath and breath into your stomach and really breathing into where two-thirds of our lungs exist produces in our body a sense of calmness. It also triggers the mind and the vagus nerve in the mind that everything is safe. Suggested Resources Book: Conscious Loving: The Journey to Co-Commitment by Gay Hendricks App: Pranayama Free - A meditation App which tells you when to breath. Advice for Newbie Start Simple. Meditation has become a very convoluted practice, a complicated system. Close your eyes, breath and see what happens.

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