Tara Miller- Health Hut
Today we are joined by Toronto Based Nutritionist Tara Miller to discuss the importance of intuitive eating. Not exactly sure what intuitive eating is? Don’t worry, you aren’t alone. Tara breaks down exactly what intuitive eating is, including her definition of health, the importance of community, and how to have a healthy relationship with your body. Tara is the founder of the Health Hut, which began in 2011 when she revamped an abandoned ice cream stand in Muskoka, ON. Now, Health Hut has grown to include a downtown Toronto location as well as an online store, and helps bring balance and pleasure back to her clients lives. Health Hut does not believe in restrictions, instead, Health Hut works to find what health means for every individual because no two bodies are the same. Health Hut’s philosophy focuses on listening to internal cues from your body instead of listening to external recommendations. It is unique in the way that Tara blends comfortability, balance, and acceptance while creating an open space for dialogue and networking. On today’s episode, we discuss how to find the right health mantra for you, how to have an exciting relationship with food, and discover a new way to find pleasure in change.