107 SigTalks | Innate and Ideological Thinking

Innate, Innate, Innate! That seems to be what my topics have been about lately, I guess because overtime I listen to one of my fathers recordings, that seems to be what he is talking about, so that must be what I am supposed to be hearing and working on. This week Dr. Sigafoose talks about Innate and Materialistic and Ideological thinking. Now if you are confused with that, it is like Mechanistic and Vitalistic, or pain base versus subluxation based. You getting the point? If not then let me try to explain it to you this way. Materialistic, is basically understanding chiropractic science and art, but not totally understanding the philosophy, yet you might try, but you don't educate your patients about it.  Ideological, is understanding the science, art and philosophical part of chiropractic and understanding the connection of Innate and the spirit/religious aspect and or nature of what it is we do. You know what, just listen and let me know what you think it means. Dr. Carey

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