Episode 005- Rebecca Soni- Mind Over Matter

Rebecca Soni is one of the most elite and accomplished Olympic athletes of all time, but her story doesn't end there. For most Olympic or professional athletes, it becomes a struggle to figure out those next steps after retirement. They're used to intense training, coaching, and structure. But, Rebecca has found a way to blend everything that she loves to create her own future and is making a huge impact on the lives of young athletes through her mentoring company called Rise Elite Athletes.  Be sure to stay up to date with Rebecca and Rise Elite through social media and her websites! Instagram: @rebsoni , @theriselife Website: riseeliteathletes.com, rebeccasoni.com  Also be sure to stay tuned in on her social media as Rebecca trains to compete in the Otillo SwimRun World Series!   Credits: Music: www.bensound.com

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