383 – Coin Concede “Buff Ur'zul Giant?”
What if Ur'zul Giant cost 11 and Gnoll could only evolve into a vanilla 8/8? Would the format be solved? Can Blazing Transmutation discover outside of the Shaman class? If it can, is it a bug? WE'RE NOT SURE!
News – 17:37
- Patch 25.4 and Mini-set
- Lots of updates
- 25.4 known issues and 25.4.1 server side patch
- New bundles
- International price adjustments
- Bot crackdown
- Blizzard morale issues
Decksplanations – 1:14:50
- Format rundown
- Decklists from the show here.
The Show Notes for this week’s episode are on our Website
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