Roy Benson on Coaching Runners and Exercise Physiology
Roy Benson is a distance running coach, exercise scientist, accomplished runner, camp director, and author on the podcast. Coach Benson has coached professionally for 50 plus years for military, club, university and high school teams. He is a contributor to Runner’s World, Running Times, and has written numerous books on running, including “Heart Rate Training” and “Coach Benson’s Secret Workouts: Coachly Wisdom for Runners About Effort-Based Training.” In this episode, we discuss how Coach Benson found running, his journey into coaching, his philosophy on what makes an exceptional runner, and some of his proudest moments as a coach. I hope you enjoy the show! ____EPISODE LINKS Coach Benson's Runner's World a Running Times Articles Coach Benson's Biography on WikiRun Green Mountain Running Camp (Coach Benson is co-founder and co-director) Smokey Mountain Running Camp (Coach Benson is founder and former director) ____For more information and additional content visit Please Note: During the podcast, Coach Benson said Malcom Gladwell was a 5:05 miler, but instead, he would like it to be known that Gladwell is a 4:05 milerments as a coach.