Episode #48 Comms Check Fear Not
Keep the lines of communication open with Chadd as he talks about 1. Fear Not 2. The Changing Tide 3. "I'll Pray for You Join our mailing list at www.3of7project.com for your chance to win a custom handcrafted timepiece from NFW Watch company. Follow NFW Watch Company on IG @nfw.watch.company or check them out online at www.nfwonline.com Find out more and check out the new Three of Seven Project store at www.3of7project.com IG @3_of_7project Thank you for supporting Three of Seven Podcast at: www.patreon.com/threeofseven Thank you Xoskin www.xoskin.us IG @xoskinusa "Our mission is to offer solutions that really work- whenever, wherever, whatever you do – whether you cross train, lift weights, run, climb, bike, hike, or serve and protect." -Xoskin Use Pro-Code 3of7 when ordering Xoskin products Nuff Said