Episode #45 Healthy Transition From Trauma W/ Rusty Wiles
It was amazing to hear the similarities of the effects of trauma between a First Responder/Firefighter (Rusty) and a Navy SEAL (Me) This powerful conversation inspired and moved me on levels deep within. You defiantly want to listen to this episode in full! Follow Rusty on IG @rustyfd912 Join our mailing list at www.3of7project.com for your chance to win a custom handcrafted timepiece from NFW Watch company. Follow NFW Watch Company on IG @nfw.watch.company or check them out online at www.nfwonline.com Find out more and check out the new Three of Seven Project store at www.3of7project.com IG @3_of_7project Thank you for supporting Three of Seven Podcast at: www.patreon.com/threeofseven Nuff Said