Episode #25 James Ward Powerful Perspective on Poverty
During this episode we talk to James Ward, the Executive Director of Heart for Lebanon, a faith based non-profit that has positively impacted the lives of thousands of refugee's of war in the middle east. We start with discussing his most current project "Now Is The Time" a virtual gathering of world changing leaders and story tellers to encourage and inspire you in this time of uncertainty. Find out more and sign up for FREE at: nowisthetime.live Three Of Seven Project will be contributing content along with other awesome individuals so please sign up and join us on April 9 2020 for Now Is The Time. We talk through James's experience of thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail and dig into his 11 years of service leading international programs around the globe on a mission to help restore people's God given dignity, purpose and freedom. This episode is extremely impactful. James give amazing insight to everyone listening on effective ways to assist people in your own community that are stuck in perpetual poverty. Find more about Heart for Lebanon at: www.heartforlebanon.org Follow James on IG @jamesward_79 Click this link to Sign up for the FREE virtual gathering "Now is the Time" Xoskin www.xoskin.us IG @xoskinusa "Our mission is to offer solutions that really work- whenever, wherever, whatever you do – whether you cross train, lift weights, run, climb, bike, hike, or serve and protect." -Xoskin Use Pro-Code 3of7 when ordering Xoskin products to receive 25% off your purchase until the end of April 2020. Nuff Said Find more at: www.3of7project.com IG @3_of_7project Thank you for supporting Three of Seven Podcast at: www.patreon.com/threeofseven