The Dangers of Flouride with Dr. Paul Connett
Dr. Paul Connett is a graduate of Cambridge University and holds a Ph.D. in chemistry from Dartmouth College. From 1983 -2006 he taught chemistry at St. Lawrence University in Canton, NY where he specialized in Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology. He retired in May 2006 with the rank of full professor.Paul has researched the literature on fluoride’s toxicity and the fluoridation debate for 21 years. He helped found the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) see . He has given presentations on the dangers of fluoridation in Australia, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, the UK and the US. This included an invited presentation in 2003 to the US National Research Council, which published a landmark review of fluoride’s toxicity in 2006. In 2010, with two other authors he published the book, The Case Against Fluoride(Chelsea Green), which contains 80 pages of citations to the scientific literature. As of March 2016, there has yet to be a scientifically referenced response to this book. Despite being challenged many times to do so, very few of those championing fluoridation in government agencies and professional bodies, have been prepared to publicly debate professor Connett on fluoridation. To connect with Dr. Connettand his work, go to For more information on Laura Powers, you can go to her website You can also follow her on twitter @thatlaurapowers and on instagram at laurapowers44.