Finding Love with Dating Coach Ronnie Ryan
Laura and Dating Coach Ronnie Ann Ryan spoke about how to date effectively and how to avoid common pitfalls. Ronnie has worked with successful women who have a hot career, but a chilly love life since 2002. She shows you how to attract high-quality prospects with easy, proven methods and radically simplifies understanding men to minimize frustration and confusion. Ronnie reveals how to spot Mr. Wrong fast so you can focus on finding Mr. Right. She has helped thousands overcome obstacles to attract love. Ronnie is the author of four books including her most recent Is He the One? Find Mr. Right by Spotting Mr. Wrong and has been featured by ABC, NBC, and Fox News, BBC, NPR, Huffington Post, eHarmony, and To connect with Ronnie, go to twitter:@RonnieAnnRyan or phone: 203-877-3777. For more information on Laura and Healing Powers, you can go to and follow her on twitter @thatlaurapowers.