EP 23 Five Signs of Metabolic Dysfunction | with Vince Pitstick
Today I'm joined once again by Vince Pitstick of Nutrition Dynamic to talk about 5 signs of metabolic dysfunction. If you feel like your metabolism isn't working how it should be, have sudden gut issues, menstrual dysfunction, or any other abnormal symptoms after dieting for a prolonged period of time, definitely give this podcast a listen. Find Vince here: https://www.facebook.com/NutritionDynamic1/?ref=br_rs https://www.instagram.com/nutrition_dynamic/ https://www.instagram.com/vince_pitstick/ Find me here: https://www.emilyduncanfitness.com/ https://www.instagram.com/em_dunc/ https://twitter.com/em_dunc https://www.youtube.com/emdunc