Race Bannon, Leather Legend
You can learn more about Race Bannon at his website (old school!). He's also on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Here are just a few of Race's many accomplishments: Founded, along with Guy Baldwin, Kink Aware Professionals, a non-profit service that refers people to kink-sensitive psychotherapeutic, medical and legal professionals. Project leader of The DSM Project, a grassroots coalition of psychotherapeutic professionals worldwide that banded together to influence the categorization and diagnostic criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), the book most psychotherapeutic professionals look to when diagnosing mental health issues. The project led to a beneficial change in the way the psychotherapeutic profession views kink. Author of the best seller Learning The Ropes: A Basic Guide to Safe and Fun BDSM Lovemaking, the first basic instructional book on SM sexuality catering to men and women of all orientations. Regular contributor to the newly relaunched Drummer Magazine. Writer, speaker and educator on BDSM, kink, sex and sex culture, LGBTQ, HIV/STI and sexual health, and non-monogamy/polyamory. Received the 2018 Race Bannon Advocacy Award (renamed after me starting this year) from the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom (NCSF). Received the 2015 “Key to Folsom Street Fair” from Folsom Street Events in recognition of service to the community. Inducted into the Society of Janus Hall of Fame. Relationship Anarchy (it comes up in passing) #thelibraryisopen A History of Western Civilization by Bertram Russell Walden by Henry David Thoreau The Art of Self Education, Race's book on learning to learn. Reese Witherspoon's book club Isabel Allende Stuck Rubber Baby , Howard Cruse #hotdaddyalert Hi Matt Wilkas! Omar A. Joset Medina Colin Farrell #howtofindus Race Cooper on Twitter or Instagram Matt Fuller on Twitter or Instagram. Thanks for listening, share it with a friend and leave us a 5-star review on your favorite podcast app!