RPR Episode 29: The Dudes - OHPS20
James, Kyle, and Matt bring you an episode of The Dudes to discuss the https://the.rebel-performance.com/order-form1587063987275 (2020 Online Human Performance Summit) brought to you by Rebel Performance. This totally remote event features an incredible lineup of coaches on May 7th, 8th, 9th, as well as 7-day access pass to the 20 hours of content. We also discuss fitness and obesity, resilience, RPE, auto-regulation, training to failure, and the importance of exercise selection. We dive in to discuss the details of the OHPS. The $15 event will span 3 days and is totally remote, just login to Zoom wearing whatever you want and soak in the content from an absolutely loaded lineup of coaches. Each presentation will be 45-60 minutes, followed by 30 minutes of QaA. You will also have access to the presentations for 7 days following the event. The presentations are listed below. How to Design Training Weeks and Days for Multivariate Outcomes - James Cerbie, Kyle Dobbs, Matt Domney Multi-Directional Speed from the Inside Out: Mechanics, Internal Physics, Assessment, and Training - Justin Moore Serum Testosterone: A Schizophrenic Canary in a Nuclear Wasteland - Dr. Ben House What is the Best Fuel, Fats or Carbs, for Performance and Body Composition? - Dr. Mike T Nelson Proxying Stimulus Magnitude During and After Hypertrophy Workouts - Dr. Mike Israetel Integrating Running and Sprinting Protocols into Your Approach to Performance, Fitness, and Rehabilitation - Derek Hanson Velocity Based Training and Selecting the Best Device for your Sport - Brandon Senn Biomechanics vs Physics: The Pillars of Performance and Injury Risk Management - Dr. Jordan Shallow Isometrics for Lower Limb Pain, Rehabilitation and Performance - David Grey Describing Human Movement from a Categorical and Theoretical Models Perspective - Dr. Pat Davidson Occam’s Razor and the Development of Practical Heuristics for the Injured Athlete - Dr. Jared Boyd Remote Coaching, Assessment, Treatment, and Programming - Dr. Zac Cupples Long Term Strategies for Powerlifting Success: Blending Movement and World-Class Strength - Will Crozier Next we jam on some QaA. First up is a question about the seemingly increase in the popularity of fitness and simultaneous rise of obesity. Kyle actually doesn’t necessarily agree that there is an increase in the amount of people participating in fitness, but rather an increase in visibility due to a separation of the extremes and there being a lack of a middle ground when it comes to health conscious vs sedentary individuals. Combined with a lack of education, the fact that our environment has become easier to navigate thanks to advances in technology, and our human need to conserve as much energy as possible, we have to do less than ever to survive. The Coronavirus pandemic is a perfect example of the vulnerability to disease that sedentary lifestyles bring with obese and diabetic individuals being the most at risk populations. Our ability to tolerate an insult is a product of how we live day to day in terms of sleep, nutrition, activity levels, etc and highlights even further that our health should not be taken for granted. On the bright side, we are anecdotally seeing many more people partaking in health conscious activities like going on walks with their families. It’s important to remember that “we’re the weird ones” when it comes to fitness, and that the majority of the population simply needs to move a little bit more than what they’re doing now in order to experience better long term health outcomes. When observing the “Blue Zones” and centenarian communities, there are a handful of commonalities that exist among them. High levels of activity aside, they have a higher sense of purpose, great relationships and community, and overall just tend to enjoy life. This leads us to a discussion on the fragility mindset that is around in the fitness community today. Caring about your...