RPR Episode 17: The Dudes

Welcome to the first Dudesome episode of Rebel Performance Radio. As some of you already know, Rebel Performance and Compound Performance have joined forces. Going forward, the co-hosts of the podcast will be James Cerbie (Director of Primates), Kyle Dobbs (Director of Beards), and Matt Domney (Director of Meat). Although we will continue to bring on guests, we will also do individual shows with just us 3 dudes. Today, we talk shop, answer questions, give insights on our philosophies, training, coaching, cueing, exercise selection, business development, and more. We kick things off with a brief introduction from Matt and continue to discuss the new structure of Rebel Performance and the 2 headed monster that we are creating. We want to bring you the best of athletic development and trainer education while providing a platform and tribe to help you unlock your potential.  Kyle will be on the trainer development side, while James and Matt will be on the athlete development side. This leads us into a discussion on Rebel Performance’s typical clients and the balance of life, work, and training. The primary advantage that Rebel provides is creating high performing, well-rounded athletes that don’t feel like poop the rest of their day. Training for these clients should not take away from the rest of their lives and should actually enhance it. This leads us into a specific breakdown of the AMRAP program (available on https://train.rebel-performance.com/ (TRAIN)) and the classification of output-driven and sensory-motor exercises. Output driven exercises will be what we want to progress and train - your meat and potato movements like squatting, benching, and pulling that not only give you that tremendous bang for your physiological buck, but allow you to continue to https://train.rebel-performance.com/ (TRAIN) and exceed performance goals. These are the things we track and measure improvements over time, and quite frankly, keep us coming back for more.  The sensory-motor work, while less systemically taxing (and maybe not as sexy), is your opportunity to patch up the holes in your positional strategy using constraints and time under tension while challenging your ability to find and feel the right muscles. It’s a different kind of “hard” than what some may be used to. The sensory-motor work allows you to maintain and manage a better position that’s going to let you push your output-driven work harder the next time. We’re keeping your main lifts the main lifts and your accessory work the accessory work. As Matt put’s it, we want you to “mash more where it counts”. Next we jam on open-door and closed-door training sessions, and gaining control of the gas pedal on your sessions in order to get the adaptation you want. Some people are always pedal to the metal, while others never reach anything above a 7 RPE. The key is to know when each type of session is appropriate. With the AMRAP program, we use question mark sets or amrap sets for you to put in the work needed for that day to drive adaptation. This form of autoregulation allows you to strike when the iron’s hot, or back off when needed.  Perhaps the main component that a program like AMRAP touches on is getting you wins early and often, boosting your confidence and using the total amount of work done as that ‘dopaminergic driver’ to keep effort high where it’s needed while working on other qualities using very specific strategies.  Next we discuss the Rebel Performance “Fill The Board” events that will be training meetups around the country at member gyms. The first of which will be at the Top Strength Project in Rhode Island. These will be a fantastic way to discover the potential you have when you’re in an awesome environment and push past any mental barriers you may have. We then move on to some QaA about video games, hip IR deficits, stability/mobility for functional movements, feeling things on accessory vs output work, strength and injury for...

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