Seeds vs Weeds - Ep. 002
You've probably heard the saying that you are the average of the five people that you spend the most time with. However have you stopped and wondered what effect do these 5 people have on your life? Do these people inspire you to grow? Do they put you in uncomfortable positions? Do they push you to pursue your wildest ambitions? Are they inspiring you to grow and get uncomfortable? Today we are going to take a deeper look at the 5 people we surround ourselves with. Are they seeds that are inspiring you to be the greatest version of yourself or are they weeds that are restricting you from hitting your true potential? Get your FREE Ultimate Elixir here Use code LUPREFERRED19 at checkout Jeremy Abramson Website: On LinkedIn: click here to connect On Instagram: @coachjeremy305 Jeremy's 20/20 Mastermind Application: Is this your first podcast? If so then welcome to the community! If you haven't already subscribed to the podcast go ahead and do so. Check out past episodes of the show and be sure to check out my page on Instagram. Shoot me a line on any questions about past and future shows. Welcome to Stand up 2 Sitting. Learn more about Jeremy See for privacy and opt-out information.