25 - The 4 Worst Diet Plans For Men Over 40
4 Worst Diet Plans for Men Over 40Are you wondering which diet you should go on? Are you doing your research now to see which diet will yield you the best results? If so, there are some diets that you’ll definitely want to avoid. You see when it comes to a diet, it should actually be more of an eating lifestyle plan Your eating plan should also be sustainable. Something that you can be using for more than 1-2 years.And most important, you’re eating plan must support your hormones so that you can increase fat burning metabolism, energy, weight loss and keep you healthy.As a man in your 40s, 50s and 60s it’s important that you be weary of the “fad diets” that are being marketed to you every day.While there are many great approaches, UCLA research shows that many of today’s popular diets are NOT designed for men over the age of 40 and can be slowing down our metabolism and crushing our #1 male hormone.On this podcast I’m going to share the 4 worst diets you must avoid at all costs if you are a man over 40 that wants to lose weight, burn stubborn belly fat, boost your T-Levels, increase energy and raise your metabolism.Over 40 Alpha Fat Loss Program and Brotherhood – http://www.over40alpha.comFasting over 40 Nutrition Plan - http://over40shred.com/fastingpodcast