19 - Are You Getting Enough Sleep - World Sleep Day Special with Dr. Dominika
In episode #19 of the Over 40 Alpha Podcast my guest Dominika Zarzeczny ND | Naturopathic Doctor and I discuss Sleep and how not getting enough will affect your health, fat loss, testosterone, energy and overall daily functionsWe recorded this on World Sleep Day and thought it would be beneficial to talk about- Melatonin- Circadian Rhythm - Shift Worker and Sleep- Sleep Apnea and how to get rid of it- Sleep Disorders- Your Hormones and Sleep- Hot To get enough Sleep each dayAnd MOReJoin our Over 40 Alpha Program and Brotherhood for FREE - https://www.over40alpha.com/trialDominika Zarzeczny ND | Naturopathic Doctor Wellth - Your Modern Pharmacy + Clinic | P:416-504-WELL(9355) | F:416-504-935485 Church Street, Toronto ON M5C 2G2www.yourwellth.ca @yourwellth