Episode 27: QnA on Starting IIFYM, Keto Diets, Prohormones, Powerlifting and More!
In this episode, I answer your questions. The questions answered in the show: - How to start an IIFYM diet? - Top 5 books I would recommend to clients and friends? - Is online training still a good business idea? How would I do it if I was starting in 2017? - Thoughts on high protein non-traditional keto diets? Can you lose fat and build muscle with a keto approach? - What music do I listen to at the gym? - What are my thoughts on Prohormones? - Advice for a first time powerlifting meet. - What do I do to pump myself up at a powerlifting meet? - How long should you stay on a training program? As always, find the show notes at www.KyleHuntFitness.com