Episode 18: Talking Training and Supplements with Marc Lobliner
In this episode, I sit down and talk with Marc Lobliner. Marc is the owner of MTS Nutrition and CMO at TigerFitness.com. I have been friends with Marc since 2012. He is a character to say the least, so I knew this was going to be an EPIC conversation! Some of the topics we discussed: - How Marc got into lifting and bodybuilding. - Why his first (and only) powerlifting meet turned into a "blowout". - What is was like being on set with John Cena on Fox's American Grit TV Show. - Marc's current training split. - What NEW supplement ingredients will be making waves in 2017. Check out Marc's YouTube channel at "The Tiger Fitness" https://www.youtube.com/user/TheTigerFitness As always, this episode is brought to you by Hunt Fitness. www.KyleHuntFitness.com Get Stronger Now! http://www.kylehuntfitness.com/absolute-strength/