Ep25 | Sarah England- Refinery Wellness 2
Welcome back to another edition of the podcast and I am excited to have Sarah England back on the podcast! We are going to be discussing one of my favorite topics today and that is hormones. Sarah is a Board-Certified Family Nurse Practitioner and practices preventative + personalized patient care. The goal of her unique approach is to educate a empower you to get back in the driver's seat of your own health. Sarah works as a functional medicine consultant in conjunction with your current health care team and is not considered a replacement for your primary care provider. I am excited to have her back on the podcast today! Topics discussed: How hormones can help us truly live our best life What is a DUTCH test and how it's made simple Managing our different stages of life and where hormones come in to play Staying away from the 'fake' foods Reach out to Sarah a Refinery Wellness + Aesthetics: Via website: https://www.refinerywellnesstn.com/ Via Instagram: @refinerywellnesstn Via e-mail: hello@refinerywellnesstn.com Via phone: 615-477-8224