Ep18 | Melanie Watson, Holistic Mindset Coach
On today's edition of the Nashville Women's Health Podcast, I am excited to be joined by Melanie Watson of One Powerful Life. Melanie is a Holistic Mindset Coach, Creative Entrepreneur, wife, mom, and all around expert in simplifying life's craziness so that you can actually slow down enough and enjoy things. Melanie takes great pride and joy in helping women just like you create a life of more by doing less! Topics discussed on today's episode: How fixing her own health forced her hand at becoming a Holistic Mindset Coach Teaching yourself the skills of managing the positive tasks and goals you may have Is there a specific audience that would benefit from mindset coaching The rewards of being intentional in everything you do in your daily life How we can all shift our mindset during the uncertain times that a pandemic has brought us Reach out to Melanie: Via Instagram: @melaniewatson Via website: https://onepowerfullife.com/