Ep7 | Aimee M. Bailey, PT, DPT, 200RYT
Hey guys, and welcome to another edition of Nashville women's health podcast. Today I decided just to kind of flip the switch today, I'm going to talk a little bit about what I do as a pelvic floor physical therapist, because over the last year, what I've realized is people just are not aware that there is help for some of the issues that I treat and people don't even understand what pelvic physical therapists do. So I recruited a friend of mine today. I have Megan joining me and Megan is a mom of two and pregnant with her third right now I asked her the other day, I said, you know, "what are some reasons people don't seek a pelvic floor PT?". So this conversation is just based on our conversation the other day and just thought we'd elaborate it and have it in front of you guys so you can kind of understand where we're coming from and hopefully get a little bit of understanding about what I do. I appreciate you taking the time to listen to today's episode! Reach out to me: Via website: www.terralotus.com