Canceled Too Soon #6 - Hot Springs Hotel (1997)
At the height of the "Skinemax" boom of the 1990s, HOT SPRINGS HOTEL reigned supreme. It was a sitcom about oversexed jerks who ran a hotel and solved every problem (that they usually caused themselves) by having sex with it. Constant, very vanilla intercouse abounds as the cast of HOT SPRINGS HOTEL lives out their weird fantasies in their one and only season on Showtime. But was HOT SPRINGS HOTEL canceled too soon? Your hosts William Bibbiani and Witney Seibold investigate this very strange Skinemax phenomenon, and sit through some very un-erotic episodes as they try to unlock the many mysteries of HOT SPRINGS HOTEL. It's our weirdest episode yet, and you won't want to miss it! Follow us on Twitter at @BMoviesPodcast, "Like" us at, follow Bibbs at @WilliamBibbiani and follow Witney at @WitneySeibold. If you like what you hear, subscribe to The B-Movies Podcast for Bibbs and Witney's weekly movie news, reviews and in-depth celebrity interviews! Do you have a suggestion for a TV show that was "canceled too soon" (i.e. lasted only one season or less)? Email us at: Theme Song: "Canceled Too Soon," Courtesy of Heptagon See for privacy information.