Wine on Wednesday with Kristi Stuetzer.
The amazing Kristi Stuetzer from Revere Plastics talks HR Vision & Culture building.
Time in minutes.
0 - 2:35: Get rid of paperwork now, tech is your best friend! Leverage it!
2:35 - 5:20: CHRO replaces CFO & how HR can work with execs better.
5:20 - 8:30: E-mail can cause major issues & reducing the divide between HR & Finance.
8:30 - 9:50 Manager evaluation bias.
9:50 - 13:20 How I got into HR & it's good for your career to be curious.
13:20 - 16:20 HR Unite & the courage of conviction will see you through.
16:20 - 20:00 Transition from HR worker to HR management. Ground rules for mixing with subordinates outside and inside the workplace.
21:00 - 23:00 Kristi's HR vision. Everyone that walks into the building wants to be there and loves their job. Yeah I'm that ambitious.
24:30 - 27:20 Consistent brand message helps build culture. If an employee feels some control of their destiny they are happier at work.
27:30 - end Training and EQ is vital for supervisors and HR is always the last to know anything... Sigh...