Overcoming Body Image Issues with Bianca Taylor
On this episode of Generation V, Nimai interviews vegan booty builder and trainer, Bianca Taylor (Nimai’s girlfriend). They go into depth on Bianca’s battles with body image issues and eating disorders. Plus, tune in to hear all about the one experience that made Bianca turn vegan. “People think that if you go vegan you don't make a difference, but you do because you aren't paying your money to companies that are harming animals and taking grain away from countries that don’t have enough food for people.” -Bianca Taylor What do you want to hear from the Generation V Podcast? Tell us here! Timestamps: 1:44 Bianca Taylor’s backstory 5:10 Dealing with insecurities as a young girl 17:06 Bianca’s first business 21:39 How Bianca got introduced to weight training 25:00 How Bianca developed an eating disorder 30:30 Bianca fight with depression and suicide 34:15 Bianca’s transition to veganism 44:50 Bianca’s Instagram growth 49:50 Standing up for those that don’t have a voice Resources: The China Study Connect with the Bianca Instagram - Bianca Taylor M Instagram - Bianca Taylor Fitness YouTube biancataylorfitness.com Connect with Nimai: Instagram Youtube VeganFitness.com Vivolife.com Builtapparel.net Discount Code: Nimai10