Rectus Abdominis, My Movement Limitations, and Stability - Movement Debrief Episode 64
Movement Debrief Episode 64 is in the books. Here is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure. Here is the set list: Case study on lower back pain differential diagnosis What is the action of the rectus abdominis? Why is feeling rectus not desirable during breathwork? What muscles should you feel during breathwork? What movement limitations do I have? What measures have I taken to try and improve these limitations? What activities do I use to try and improve those movement limitations? What measures do I plan on taking in the future to improve my health? Our all of our movements and postures governed by stability? If not, what? If you want to watch these live, add me on Facebook or Instagram. They air every Wednesday at 7pm CST. Enjoy! Here were the links I mentioned: Check out Human Matrix promo video here. Here are some testimonials for the class Want to sign up? Click on the following locations below: Kansas City, KS on October 27-28th Portland, OR on November 10-11 December 8th-9th, Charleston, SC (early bird ends November 11th) February 2nd-3rd, 2019, New Providence, NJ (early bird ends January 4th) Building a Success on a Foundation of Failures by Daddy-O Pops Bill Hartman Here is the pump handle debrief Here is an article on empty nose syndrome Treatments I received at the Hruska Clinic: Here are parts one, two, and three. Here is what happened after I got my wisdom teeth pulled Here is when I was treated by an ENT. Here is my first reset, bar hang Here is reset #2, a feet elevated downward dog Joe Cicenelli Here is a debrief on occlusion Here is a link describing the anterior growth guidance appliance To learn about The Intensive, sign up for Bill Hartman's newsletter Here's a signup for my newsletter to get nearly 3 hours and 50 pages of content, a free acute:chronic workload calculator, basketball conditioning program, podcasts, and weekend learning goodies: