EP 05 - John Barrows - Leadership Starts at Home
John Barrows is one of the most highly sought after sales trainers in the world. In this episode, we talk about how leadership starts at home and we touch on how companies should start embracing personal brands. A lot of great content jam-packed into this episode: When you’re present, you’re present. Making sure you’re on the same page and having a shared goal. Where do you want to be in 5 years? What are your core values and make sure they’re the same shared values. When sales is done right, it’s the greatest profession in the world. When it’s done wrong, it’s the worst. ABOUT JAKE LYNNJake Lynn is a leading authority on telesales. He is the host of the Top 50 Podcast, “All Things Telesales."His thought leadership has been instrumental in helping guide some of today’s most elite insurance call centers. Funny and dynamic, Jake is passionate about helping phone-based sales professionals truly smile and dial.Setting the standard for teletraining for the insurance industry, Jake teaches agents to serve not sell with PEG (Praise, Empathy, a Gratitude) and to always put Compassion Before Commission.CONNECT WITH JAKE LYNNLINKEDIN ►https://www.linkedin.com/in/jakelynndotcom/Final Expense Teletraining ► www.FETeletraining.comFinal Expense Telesales Opportunities at LegacyTelesales.com for Independent Agents and Reliancera.com for a no-cost lead platform. ABOUT JOHN BARROWSIt’s amazing to me that sales is the No. 1 profession in the world and yet none of us were formally taught how to do it. Very few of us have a degree in sales or were given any initial training or direction beyond “Here’s your territory, good luck.” That’s why we need to find ways to educate ourselves and get better every day. I’ve been fortunate enough to experience a fantastic sales education at every level throughout my career via the people I meet and the opportunities that arise. Sharing those experiences while constantly learning from others is why I continue to do what I do. Support the show (http://www.allthingstelesales.com)