#6: Space Hulk and New Year's Resolutions
Mark and Walker spend zero moments wondering what a lang syne is, but instead praise the classic Space Hulk and look forward to 2018 with some gaming resolutions. As is the way with such things, they've probably already been broken--especially the one where Mark tries to be more nice.
Games Played Last Week:
1:34 -Through the Desert (Reiner Knizia, KOSMOS, 1998)
4:19 -Santorini (Gord!, Roxley, 2016)
5:51 -Beowulf: The Legend (Reiner Knizia, KOSMOS, 2005)
10:06 -Alien Artifacts (Marcin Senior Ropka & Viola Kijowska, Portal, 2017)
13:00 -Tajemnicze Domostwo/Mysterium (Oleksandr Nevskiy & Oleg Sidorenko, Portal, 2013)
16:05 -Trivial Pursuit (Scott Abbott & Chris Haney, Parker Brothers, 1981)
News (and why it doesn’t matter):
20:20 DC Spyfall
21:49 Games Workshop now partnering with WizKids
24:03 Feature Game: Space Hulk (Richard Halliwell, Games Workshop, 1989)
48:46 Topic: New Year’s Resolutions