#2: Terraforming Mars and Dexterity Games

Mark and Walker have some civil disagreements concerning Terraforming Mars (Jacob Fryxelius, Stronghold, 2016) and cannibalism before enthusing about playing with toys. As a note, whips are not considered toys in this context.

Games Played Last Week:
1:27 -Empires (David and Daniel Stephenson, WizKids, 2017)
5:03 -Clank! In! Space! (Paul Dennen, Renegade Game Studios, 2017)
6:23 -Pandemic Legacy: Season 2 (Matt Leacock & Rob Daviau, Z-Man, 2017)
8:47 -Orleans: Trade & Intrigue (Reiner Stockhausen, dlp Games, 2016)
11:21 -Mafia de Cuba (Philippe des Pallières & Loïc Lamy, Lui-même, 2015)
14:18 -Bunny Kingdom (Richard Garfield, IELLO, 2017)

18:18 Feature Game: Terraforming Mars (Jacob Fryxelius, Stronghold, 2016)

News (and why it doesn't matter):
43:16 Necromunda: Underhive is out
44:06 News on the Imperial Assault App
45:04 New Scythe expansion and Big Box, discussion of airship models

48:48 Topic: Dexterity Games

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