Loving Yourself IS the Journey
Do you know how to love yourself unconditionally? It’s ok if you don’t or if you weren’t taught how- many of us weren’t. And because of that we’ve put external validation and achievement as ways to receive love. Learning to love ourselves fully and unconditionally opens up our journey to self-healing. Tune in today and learn: Why self love is the foundation of our lives How to fall in love with the journey, not the outcome How open space and stillness contribute to increasing your confidence 4 ways to create unconditional self love for ourselves She loves herself unconditionally. Self-love is the foundation of her life. She speaks kindly to herself, has a positive mindset and knows how valuable she is. There is no room for negative self-talk in her life. Links a Resources: Inner Child Healing Episode g https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/connecting-with-your-inner-child/id1474508099?i=1000448354689 You Have A Self Love Problem not a Weight Loss Problem Episode g https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/you-have-a-self-love-problem-not-a-weight-loss-problem/id1474508099?i=1000452671799 IGg @chaneemomoko Email g hello@chaneemomoko.com Mindset Makeover Academy g chaneemomoko.com/mindset-makeover-membership The Create Your Purpose Journal g https://www.amazon.com/Create-Your-Purpose-journey-finding/dp/B087R5PLJ3/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1akeywords=chanee+momokoaqid=1590964332as=booksasr=1-1 See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.