Reprogramming Your Negative Mindset with Jodi

In this special edition of Your Highest Self I coach Jodi through her mindset and teach her how her unconscious thoughts are the root of her problems. This episode is about learning how to spot the unconscious negative thoughts and change them so you can stop binging, stop stressing a become more grounded a lead a healthy lifestyle with love.  Jodi is a young (single) hard working and passionate mother from South Africa. She loves the outdoors and strives to find balance in her life. Her weight loss journey has led her to look deeper into herself which has been very challenging but she believes it will all be worth it a she is a work in progress.  Tune into this episode and hear: ⚡️ Jodi’s experience with a restrictive diets that led her to binging  ⚡️ Me coach Jodi through the Thought Model and how the unconscious thoughts she was having about herself led her to binging  ⚡️ Creating a new Thought Model for Jodi so she can learn how to be strong and healthy without resorting back to dieting ⚡️ How food is always a symptom of something greater ⚡️ Control vs Trust a using your intuition ⚡️ How personal mantras, affirmations a daily journaling with help her on her journey ⚡️ The RESET method to heal your body image a food obsession FAVE QUOTES gg You don’t need to have a certain body to feel good about yourself  The more you say I want to be in control- the less in control you are Contact me via email for 1-1 coaching! Email g Instagram g @chaneemomoko Journal Prompts g RESET Method g Connect with Jodi:  See for privacy and opt-out information.

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