Episode 16: Long Rides, Long Runs and Long Swims - This Is What Ironman is Made Of

Christine, Gerhard and Rienzo chat about their December "break", their highs and their lows, and how they will tackle the rest of January, with just 74 days to go until their first ever Ironman South Africa.  You don't play triathlon. You play soccer; it's fun. You play baseball. Triathlon is work that can leave you crumpled in a heap, puking by the roadside. It's the physical brutality of climbing Mount Everest without the great view from the top of the world. What kind of person keeps coming back for more of that? Chris McCormack #triathlon #swimbikerun #ironman #running #triathlete #run #triathlontraining #bike #cycling #swim #tri #swimming #training #trilife #fitness #loverunning #runner #ironmantraining #bikelife #triathlonlife #world #sport #ironmantri #garmin #motivation #marathon #im #rienzolivelife #christineandgerhardlivelife

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