174: How to Connect to Your Highest Self, Balance Your Energy, and Understand Your Divine Purpose- with Sahara Rose
Do you feel like you know what your purpose in life is? Or do you struggle to connect to what feels right for you? We are at a time where we are more interested in finding our purpose than ever before. Our guest today is Sahara Rose. Sahara is one of my good friends and you may know her from her work with Ayurveda. She’s the #1 Best-Selling Author of Eat Feel Fresh and the Idiot's Guide to Ayurveda She teaches her audience on a new way of being and how to really connect to your authentic, deeper self and soul. She’s an incredibly well known spiritual guide and leader, especially for millennials who are wanting to connect to a bigger purpose. In today’s episode, we’ll be breaking down what all this spiritual “stuff” and higher purpose “stuff” really means, so we can understand and become more conscious individuals. IN THIS EPISODE WE LEARN ABOUT: What is Ayurveda? Imbalances in our body The 3 Energy Types (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) Differences between the energy types Examples of each energy type Understanding your own truth and purpose Believing you have a purpose What is the soul? Layers of ourselves Dharma and your divine purpose Dealing with difficult times in our path to purpose Lifetimes and key lessons The truth path and not truth path Light side vs. Shadow side The old paradigm vs. the new paradigm Becoming a more conscious individual IMPORTANT MOMENTS: 2:25: Let’s start with what Ayurveda is and if you can describe the work that you do? 6:00: The 3 energy types of Ayurveda 17:00- How does Ayurveda connect to the world and spirituality and understanding your own truth? 28:00- How do you grapple with the fact that difficult things are a part of our journey and path? 34:00- Why is it important for our collective consciousness that we all start focusing on creating happiness internally? 45:00- If there was something you wanted to leave people with or take action on, what would it be?