167: How to Get Through Massive Resistance
Welcome to this episode of Bucci Radio! This episode is all about massive resistance. If you’ve read my Instagram posts or emails lately you’ve already heard of this and I really wanted to dig in because it feels very relevant. I got a ton of messages from you all letting me know you’re experiencing this and i wanted to dig into this in a podcast because I had a lot to say in response. I almost didn’t press record today because I felt resistance to recording an episode. Sometimes it’s hard to show up. This is what resistance is, that feeling that makes us want to stop. But I decided to show up so let’s dive in... IN THIS EPISODE WE LEARN ABOUT: What is massive resistance How do we reach a point of massive resistance Examples of massive resistance Small and big ways resistance can come up for us How to sit with your feelings and work through resistance Coming up with excuses and upper limits to avoid doing things Painful awareness Repercussions of avoiding Things that help me get through resistance Our thoughts vs. who we are Identifying and separating our thoughts and emotions Showing up powerfully to your commitments Using positive affirmations and actions Showing up when you don’t want to Investing and putting yourself on the hook IMPORTANT MOMENTS: 2:12: What is massive resistance and the first time I heard about massive resistance 4:00: Some examples of how massive resistance can show up for us 7:34: How upleveling myself and my business brought up resistance for me 10:00: How “painful awareness” can bring up resistance 13:40: What helps me get through my own massive resistance 14:00: What are some repercussions of avoiding doing the work to get through massive resistance? 18:50: How to identify and separate your emotions 22:35: How to use positive affirmations 24:50: How investing and putting yourself on the hook forces you to get through massive resistance