163: Personal Mastery, Healing Our Past, and Waking Up From Our Experiences- with Christine Hassler
Welcome to this episode of Bucci Radio! We have had so many boss babes on the podcast recently. Today’s guest is someone I've personally admired for a very long time. I heard about her from my friend Lori Harder and I thought “I can't wait to interview her one day.” For those of you who don’t know, Christine Hassler is a master coach, speaker, author, and podcast host, and I really admire her work. She’s masterful in the way she can facilitate through her experiences and knowledge and wisdom and see the bird's eye view to help people tap in and discover what is holding them back from living the life they truly want. Let’s dive in…. IN THIS EPISODE WE LEARN ABOUT: Beliefs that we are not enough and unlovable How experiences in childhood affect how we are Compensatory Strategies Avoidance traps Why generations are no longer living a cookie cutter life Expectation Hangovers Opening doorways to change Using spirituality to shift your mindset Honoring feelings and not bypassing them Key Lessons we are here to learn in our lifetime Forgiveness vs. Condoning How hurt becomes a scapegoat Trying to change people Expiration dates for relationships and friendships “Journeymate” relationships Staying in the feminine energy without the feeling “weak” How anger can wake us up Connecting and listening to your body IMPORTANT QUESTIONS ASKED: 6:03- Can you tell me about your background and why you do what you do? 18:07- Why do people come to you and what do they need help with? 24:30- How can we recognize and become aware of the experiences we are creating for ourselves? 31:47- For those who are experiencing an awakening and are in a relationship where someone is not on the same trajectory is them, what can they do? 37:53- In retrospect, could you say the things that happened to you served a purpose or were you just making wrong decisions? 44:00- As women, can we talk about listening to our body and how to do that to avoid burnout? 54:00- What other things should women listen to and pay attention to? 57:00- If you were to leave our listeners with one piece of advice, what would it be?