002: The Way to Wealth: Building a Business Asset
In this episode, you’ll learn: • Why wealth doesn’t have to be scary {or your top priority}. There are so many ways to be fulfilled in a business and money is just one of them. • How the 4-legged stool of wealth applies to you and your business. It can relate to several aspects of your business as long as you commit. • Why being in an employee mindset is killing your business success. This is something that’s drilled into us since we were young so no wonder we are feeling stumped! • What the best investment in your business you can make and why you’ll be thanking me for letting you in on this secret. It’s a true game-changer! Get access to the How to Sell Out in One Year workbook to go along with this episode’s discussion! LINKS: http://www.lisekuecker.com/uncategorized/truth-wealth-nothing-money/