BEST OF: Emotional Eating and the Gift of Goodbye - Episode 1850
: Episode 1850 -Podcaster and former trainer Josh Trent joins Vinnie to talk about being mindful of emotional eating, giving some of your friends the gift of goodbye, and more on this Wednesday BEST-OF episode, originally aired as a Friday show. Https:// PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS EMOTIONAL EATING It's often easy to get off track when emotions get involved. Emotions can produce hormones that drive us to eat. Josh gets it. He's seen it, he's experienced it like we all have. We can learn to control our relationship with food even when these emotions do arise. Becoming fat-adapted can help, breaking the addiction. MORE ON JOSH As far as emotions and health go, Josh also knows it's important to understand when to let go of a relationship. He calls this the "gift of goodbye." Josh is a former trainer. This line of work is really tough! He and Vinnie both understand that. Check out his podcast! FAT DOC 2 IS AVAILABLE ON iTUNES and AMAZON Please also share it with family and friends! Buy it and watch it now on iTunes to get it to the top of the charts. We need it to get big for people to see it. Here's the (BLUERAY, DVD, PRIME) (MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE YET ACROSS THE POND). And the And the [the_ad id="17480"] PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO REVIEW the film AFTER YOU WATCH! FAT DOC 1 IS ALSO OUT Go watch it now! We need people to buy and review for it to stay at the top of iTunes pages. Available for both rental and purchase. You can also buy hardcopy or watch online at Amazon. YOU CAN NOW STREAM FOR FREE ON AMAZON PRIME IF YOU HAVE IT! RESOURCES Https:// Https:// Https:// Https:// Https:// Https://