Secrets in Food Manufacturing a Eating Clean - Episode 1812

: Episode 1812 – On this Saturday episode, John joins Vinnie to talk John's story, the importance of eating clean, secrets in food manufacturing, smells, and more. Https:// PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS EATING CLEAN John's always been a big guy. As a result, he's always watched what he ate. Eventually, he realized food was a holistic avenue and looked for new options. He found Vinnie through the Carolla show. When he found NSNG, he just stripped his cabinet and started fresh. Other than this, it shouldn't cost you anything, really. You're just buying whole foods instead of processed foods. In 2014/2015, he lost 30 or 40 lbs right away and then he maintained. After this, he started using 'healthy' foods at crutches and gained weight. Once he bought into these keto-branded foods and the like, he realized he had lost his way. Little things crept in: too much peanut butter, a little honey, too much fruit in the yogurt. He gained 30 lbs back. When you eat crap, your body gets instant inflammation. SECRETS IN FOOD MANUFACTURING John works in food manufacturing. The hardest thing for John is seeing people put their trust in brands and knowing what really goes into them. In particular, a lot of these products that are supposed to only have one or two ingredients are not so. Lots of products have crap (like carrageenan) for mouth feel. These issues have lead John to make his own butter at home! It's not hard! Substitutes are highly processed. John loves what he does –– he thinks it's helping making the industry better. But, the real question is: how do we make healthy, affordable, profitable food? FAT DOC 2 IS AVAILABLE ON iTUNES and AMAZON Please also share it with family and friends! Buy it and watch it now on iTunes to get it to the top of the charts. We need it to get big for people to see it. Here's the (BLUERAY, DVD, PRIME) (MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE YET ACROSS THE POND). And the And the [the_ad id="17480"] PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO REVIEW the film AFTER YOU WATCH!   FAT DOC 1 IS ALSO OUT Go watch it now! We need people to buy and review for it to stay at the top of iTunes pages. Available for both rental and purchase. You can also buy hardcopy   or watch online at Amazon. YOU CAN NOW STREAM FOR FREE ON AMAZON PRIME IF YOU HAVE IT! RESOURCES Https:// Https:// Https:// Https:// Https:// Https://  

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