10. HERself Expert: Molly Millwood on Motherhood, Marriage, and the Modern Dilemma
Molly Millwood joins the podcast today as our first author in our first ever book club. If you have read her incredible book To Have and To Hold: Motherhood, Marriage, and the Modern Dilemma...you know how powerful her message is. We both consider this a must read book for every new mama as we found it to be a life changing book. It is both freeing and validating for women in the throes of one of life’s biggest transitions: motherhood.
Special takeaways:
- Resentment for our partners are generally formed around unrealistic expectations
- The goal of being a “good enough” mother
- The inequities between men and women when it comes to parenting are real
- Giving voice around fear, depletion, longing and hunger will win over passive aggressive communication every time
- A man’s ability to accept influence from their partner is directly related to marital stability
- Seeking professional therapy should be normalized and we could all benefit from it
Molly’s book: To Have and to Hold
Molly’s Website: www.MollyMillwood.com
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MEET MOLLY: instagram.com/molly.millwood.phd/
MEET AMY: instagram.com/ameskiefer
MEET ABBY: instagram.com/abbyrosegreen
HERSELF SHOWNOTES: www.herselfpodcast.com