EP008: The Whole30 - Resetting Your Emotional Relationship with Food with Melissa Hartwig
Wait, what? It’s true, Melissa is a New York Times bestselling co-author, a mother, she’s super smart and has great hair. You may be thinking it isn’t fair, but Melissa pushed reset on her old eating habits and makes deliberate decisions about what she puts in her body. Her Whole30 program, which she designed with her husband Dallas, provides tools and resources which put people on the path of better health and overall wellness. She explains why it’s not the best idea to integrate a vegan diet or intermittent fasting into the program and how the program will change your life in just 30 days. Key Takeaways: [:52] Quest Nutrition [1:31] Dollar Workout Club is an amazing program [4:48] The whole30 is a program which pushes the reset button [6:29] Focus on the positives of the 30-day program [9:56] Drew’s experience with the Whole30 [13:05] The absence of trigger foods is a compromise at 30 days [14:30] : ( [14:52] It’s about changing habits, chewing gum is a stress response [16:44] The Whole30 a intermittent fasting don’t combine well [20:44] Vegans can implement pieces of the program [23:54] Feeding your child for better health [29:23] Articles on how to get your family on board with the program [31:00] This is designed to be a short-term dietary reset [34:08] I’ve learned to make conscious, deliberate decisions about what I eat [36:23] Leak alert - Happy, healthy pregnancies project [39:27] Setting expectations with family, friends and colleagues [44:47] The Lightning Round [45:25] Paleo in the media [51:23] Emotional relationship with food Mentions: @melissa_hartwig The Whole9 The Whole30 It Starts with Food Fit2Fat2Fit - @fit2fat2fit 2Fitathome - @2fitathome Quest Nutrition Dollar Workout Club