Ep.19: The Strongman Breakdown
This week, we give a little insight into the upcoming BCF Strongman Competition. We break down each competitor's strengths and weaknesses, and get in as much smack-talking as we possibly could. We also open the show with an in-depth review of the Greatest Movie of All-Time: "Mad Max: Fury Road". Don't forget to LIKE and SHARE this episode on Facebook... Make sure you LIKE the Massenomics Facebook page... If you don't already have a closet full of Massenomics gear, go to the MASSENOMICS STORE and load up on swag... Also, please CLICK THIS LINK TO GIVE US A 5 STAR RATING ON ITUNES... Follow Massenomics on Instagram... Vote Massenomics for President in 2016... Have your barber shave our logo into the side of your head.. Maybe get a Massenomics tattoo while you're at it. Or you could sign up for our email newsletter at the bottom of this page. Stay Strong, M Here's a little video preview and breakdown of each event....