#39 - A Hunger To Be Seen And Heard: Unpacking Roxane Gay’s New Memoir, With Dr Maria Paredes
I loved Roxane Gay’s writing after I discovered her in Bad Feminist and I’ve been eagerly awaiting the release of her book, Hunger - A Memoir of (My) Body. This book captivated me from the get go. I listened to it twice in a row because I wanted to make sure I really “heard” her. There was so much to take in and process, as a reader, as a helping professional, and as a health at every size advocate. Dietitians aren’t taught how to be “trauma informed” (unfortunately) and I had to do pretty much all my learning on the job. Hunger is already a New York Times bestseller and Gay brings up several systemic oppression issues against people in large bodies and people of color in large bodies (hello, intersectionality). While I eagerly await to hear from her book publicist to grant me a podcast interview (hey, I had to try… I’m sure she’s like “oh, how cuuuuute. no.”) Anyway… I know people are reading this and I desperately wanted to sit down with another helping professional to discuss and process together. Enter Dr. Maria Paredes. She was just as enthralled with Hunger as me. She has experience counselling trauma survivors. She is also a health at every size advocate. Tune in to hear us chat about Hunger and some of the key issues Roxane brought up in the book, both as a personal story of her experience in her body and how large bodies are treated in general by our diet culture. I dare you to listen and say anything but, “THIS SH*T AIN’T RIGHT”. Thanks for tuning in. Please leave a rating and review of the show as it helps more people find Body Kindness - http://getpodcast.reviews/id/1073275062 --- About Maria Dr. Maria Paredes is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Clinical Supervisor, Certified Eating Disorders Specialist a approved IAEDP supervisor, and owner of Three Birds Counseling a Clinical Supervision, PLLC in Greensboro, NC. She works with women and men who want to make peace with food and with their bodies, using Health at Every Size and Intuitive Eating approaches, grounded in Relational Cultural Therapy. She's passionate about helping individuals live fuller lives, free from negative thinking, fear of food, and body hate. She also teaches courses in UNC-G’s Counseling department and provides clinical supervision and training to new professionals working toward their license as therapists. Links 'Hunger' on Amazon - amzn.to/2tLocfz Some of of my favorite interviews with Roxane Gay: On KQED, they take guest calls bit.ly/2tLh82F and A respectful interview with Trevor Noah on The Daily Show on.cc.com/2ule2Ux Virgie Tovar: 4 Problems With The Trauma-Leads-to-Fatness Narrative- bit.ly/2tLyblc Maria Paredes on orgasms - bit.ly/2tLqpYJ Find Maria Website: https://www.threebirdscounseling.com Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/MariaParedesLPC Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BodyPoliticsWithDrParedes Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/three_birds_counseling --- Are you ready for Body Kindness? Get started today with my free e-course and on-demand digital training - http://bit.ly/2k23nbT The New York Times Book Review calls Body Kindness “simple and true”. Publisher’s Weekly says it’s “a rousing guide to better health.” http://bit.ly/2k228t9 Available wherever books and e-books are sold, discover what people are saying about Body Kindness http://amzn.to/2k1TISx Watch my videos about why we need Body Kindness: https://youtu.be/W7rATQpv5y8?list=PLQPvfnaYpPCUT9MOwHByVwN1f-bL2rn1V Have a show idea or guest recommendation (even yourself!) E-mail podcast@bodykindnessbook.com to get in touch. Nothing in this podcast is meant to provide medical diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Individuals should consult a qualified healthcare provider for medical advice and answers to personal health questions.